Commas Are Important (How Are You Gorgeous?)

Disclaimer: This post is in no way meant to be “wanker-ish” (Jo’s word) or cocky. I am not unhealthily confident about my physical appearance.

So, today, my friend, Trish (love you, love your show!) checked in with me via text to see how I was faring after my 5th chemo infusion today.

“How are you gorgeous?”

Well, let me count the ways. My hair is short and thinning, I’ve gained a solid 8 lbs so far (another disclaimer- the reason this is traumatic is because I’m only 4’11” and my clothes don’t fit. I typically don’t focus on numbers in this area), the skin on my face and hands is turning brown, and my nose has chunks of blood coming out of it all the time. And THAT, my loves, is how I’m gorgeous. Oh, and I smile a lot.

What she really meant to ask was, “How are you, Gorgeous?” and she wound up getting an earful of armchair philosophizing.

The best part was at the end when she said, “You look the same to me, and you still make me smile.” That’s the part I feel cocky about. The smiling part. I still smile a lot and thankfully, I’m still sometimes causing others to, also.

So, today I’d like to challenge you all to answer that question. How are YOU gorgeous? Because we all are, in our chunky nose bleeding, smiley kind of way.

6 Comments on “Commas Are Important (How Are You Gorgeous?)”

  1. Trish says:

    Commas save lives (Let’s eat Grandma) and, possibly, friendships. I’m glad you don’t just love me for my grammar skills. 🙂 xo


  2. fhstechteam says:

    comma Gorgeous comma amazing comma you’re amazing comma where are those Docs?


  3. Jan says:

    Can gorgeous be a feeling? I felt gorgeous yesterday, because I was in the company of two of my very favorite people — Choogie and Krilly! Oh, and also I feel gorgeous with my natural white hair. (It was hiding under the blonde and I didn’t notice it for sooooooo long!


  4. artmakes says:

    You gorgeous thing. You, gorgeous thing. You. Gorgeous. Smiling. Thing. You make me smile gorgeous. You make me smile, Gorgeous. You make me. Smile, Gorgeous. xoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  5. susbock says:

    Artmakes is your friend, too, my dear. It’s KT, writing
    from Havenator’s WordPress account. 😘


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